Wokwi Intellij Plugin Guide Help

Wokwi Intellij Plugin Guide

The Wokwi Intellij plugin, an open-source tool, integrates the Wokwi simulator with Jetbrains IDEs like CLion and RustRover. It adopts the Wokwi VS Code extension's configuration approach for seamless IDE transitions, supporting the same platforms.


Install and Setup Wokwi Intellij

  1. Install the Wokwi Intellij plugin from Jetbrains' marketplace.

  2. Click on the Wokwi icon to open the Wokwi toolwindow

  3. Click Activate License. This will open a dialog window where you can enter your license key.

    Activate License Dialog
  4. Click Open wokwi.com to open the browser. Copy your license key and paste it into the dialog window.

  5. Click Ok to save the license key.

First Project

The Wokwi documentation has a rich list of example projects. Checkout the next page to get started with a custom Wokwi project.

Last modified: 04 March 2024